OUR One..

A horrifying but true story has emerged of an eight-year-old girl found at the U.S. border who had sixty-seven different traces of DNA inside her, meaning she had been raped by sixty-seven different men while trying to cross into the U.S.

OUR All - 85,000 Lost Children

A former Health and Human Services (HHS) official-turned-whistleblower, Tara Lee Rodas, accused the U.S. government in a House Judiciary subcommittee hearing of becoming a “middleman” in a multi-billion-dollar migrant trafficking operation at the southern border.

According to statistics, some 345,000 children have come across the border unaccompanied since early 2021, and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has lost touch with as many as 85,000 of these migrant children. Thousands upon thousands are now the prey of child labor criminals.

Senator Josh Hawley says that a “full-scale” effort is needed to locate the children, bring traffickers to justice, and hold administration officials accountable “for their role in facilitating the exploitation of these children, in violation of the law.”

Step One - The Stream

Donate to our Give Send Go or our Go Fund Me initiatives to raise funds to a target of $150,000. Donations will be used to create a Venture Philanthropy Fund committed to the OUR One & All Initiative.

Step Two - The River

A Multi-Billion dollar corporation has pledged to match every dollar donated to OUR One & All Initivate to the tune of 10 to 1 in Gift Crypto.

The Reservoir

Raised donations are utliized by the secondary (Smart Energy Solutions) business to create a Verture Philanthropy Fund committed to OUR One & All Initiative. A 20% revenue share in the first two years of operations is anticipated to raise approximately $5 million dollars a year for Operation Underground Railroad, the leader in the fight against child sex trafficking and sexual exploitation around the globe.

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